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+256 742 141265

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Venue Location

Jinja City, Uganda

Ministry: Josephs

Josephs' Ministry

The Josephs' ministry emphasizes unity, providing support in problem-solving and family care. With a unique code of conduct, they adhere to biblical teachings on marriage, maintaining a decent appearance.

The Josephs, deeply rooted in these principles, facilitate easy mobilization for messages specifically tailored for married men within the church.

What are the Josephs (Ba Yusufu)

Named after the father of Jesus Christ, the Josephs are the ‘after youth’ married men. These elderly married men are hard workers and are care takers of the rest, just like  Joseph the Father of Christ was. They are set to take care of other ministries, their families and essentially be good examples for the rest of the people. It is important to note that marriage comes with several experiences and challenges.
In this ministry, the married men are united and helped in problem solving, conflict management and general ways of caring for their families, given the circumstances.

The code of conduct of the Josephs in Church is quite unique as compared to
other married men in the world. It is clear to them that a man shall only have one wife as per the bible teaching, care, love and provide for her in all her needs. Similarly, the married men maintain a decent outlook, in terms of dress code, hair cuts etc.
The Josephs hence are established on such teachings which they closely follow to a dot to please God.

With this grouping, mobilization and sensitization for a sermon or any message that requires only married men is easily done since their identification is already established.

